The College Development Council (CDC) at Kottakkal Farook Arts and Science College (KFASC) is a vital administrative body responsible for overseeing and coordinating various aspects of the college's development and growth. The CDC plays a crucial role in shaping the strategic direction of the college and ensuring its continued progress and advancement. Key functions of the College Development Council at KFASC may include:

Strategic Planning: Developing and implementing long-term strategic plans for the overall development of the college, including academic programs, infrastructure, and student support services.

Resource Mobilization: Identifying and mobilizing resources, both financial and non-financial, to support the college's development initiatives and projects.

Quality Assurance: Monitoring and evaluating the quality of academic programs and support services to ensure they meet the required standards and are in line with the college's goals and objectives.

Policy Formulation: Formulating and reviewing policies related to academic affairs, administration, and student welfare, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Collaboration and Networking: Establishing and maintaining collaborations and partnerships with other institutions, industry partners, and relevant stakeholders to enhance the college's academic and research activities.

Review and Feedback: Regularly reviewing and providing feedback on the college's performance and progress towards its development goals.


  1. P.Usmankutty, Chairman College Governing Body
  2. T. Moideen Kutty, Secretary College Governing Body
  3. Dr. Mustafa K, HOD, PG Department of Commerce
  4. Mohammed Labeeb
  5. Sreenath M
  6. Aswathi KT
  7. Mohamed Haneefa
  8. Mohamed Haneefa . Taikkadan (Industry)
  9. T Moideen (Education)
  10. Dr. Moideen (Research)
  11. Mohamed Adil (Social Service)
  12. TK Faheema, Coordinator, IQAC
  13. Jassim Rabeeh (Chairman, College Union)
  14. Secretary, College Union )
  15. Prof. M Abdul Azeez ( Principal, Member-Secretary)