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 1. Introduction
       Transition from school to university/college life is one of the most challenging events in a student’s life. When new students enter an institution, they come with diverse thoughts, backgrounds and preparations. They come into a new unfamiliar         environment, and most of them have little knowledge of a university/ college. An important task, therefore, is to welcome new students to Higher Education and prepare them for their new role. Currently, precious little is done by most                     institutions, except for an orientation Programme lasting a couple of days. Student Induction is designed to help in the whole process. Therefore, it should be taken seriously, and as something more than the mere orientation programme
2. Deeksharambh
           Student Induction Programme The purpose of Deeksharambh - Student Induction Programme is to help new students adjust and feel comfortable in the new environment, inculcate in them the ethos and culture of the institution, help them             build bonds with other students and faculty members, and expose them to a sense of larger purpose and self exploration.
The term induction is generally used to describe the whole process whereby the incumbents adjust to or acclimatize to their new roles and environment. In other words, it is a well planned event to educate the new entrants about the environment in a particular institution, and connect them with the people in it.
Student Induction Programme engages with the new students as soon as they come into the institution, before regular classes start. At the start of the induction, the incumbents learn about the institutional policies, processes, practices, culture and values, and their mentor groups are formed.
Students Induction could cover a number of different aspects (SAGE):
Socializing: meeting other new students, senior students, students union, lectures by Eminent People;
Associating: visits to University / college, visits to Dept./Branch/ Programme of study and important places in campus, local area, city and so on;
Governing: rules and regulations, student support etc;
Experiencing: Subject lectures, study skills, small-group activities, physical activity, creative and performing arts, literary activities, universal human values, etc